Minima and the drags – dir. Antoine Dabin

Original Film Title: Minima et les drags

Director’s Name: Antoine Dabin

Writer`s Name: Antoine Dabin

Producer: Antoine Dabin

Country of Origin: France

Country of Filming: France

Language: French

Runtime: 52 minutes 23 seconds

Film Description:

“Minima and the drags” is the story of a movement exploding on big capital stages, including Paris obviously. What we don’t know is that the Drags created the Pride and initiated every important battle for LGBTQIA+ community rights, as for every ostracized and despised communities.
To describe this movement, its commitments going through party and disguise, we are going to follow several Drags paths, as the one of Minima Gesté alias Arthur. He/She is on every battlefront, the show, her/his engineer job, her/his relationship, his/her commitment for all lost causes…

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