Dissous Frankenstein – dir. R Mizaki

Original Film Title: Dissous Frankenstein (Fragmentstein)

Director’s Name: R Mizaki

Writer’s Name: R Mizaki

Producer: R Mizaki

Country of Origin: United States

Country of Filming: United States

Language: English

Runtime: 1 hour 7 minutes 35 seconds

Film Description:

When lightening strikes the creature, Dr. Frankenstein’s dream turns into his nightmare, but his daughter, Tanya has a better idea to stop the creature with her own creation.

Dissous Frankenstein (Fragmentstein) is a re-edited, reimagined cyber-delic Fragmentstein of the 1971 movie Lady Frankenstein which had been buried in the graveyard of public domain. Celluloid dug up, restitched together, and given jolts of noise music, has brought this monster mash-up of Mary Shelley’s creation, Italian drive-in horror, and video alchemy to life. Dissous Frankenstein is a horror noise opera, maybe the first of its kind, that asks the question, how many kinds of monsters are there?

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