Anthropocene – dir. Michelle Kossler

Original Film Title: Anthropocene

Directors Name: Michelle Kossler

Writers Name: Michelle Kossler

Producer: Quinta Dimensione Film Making, Five Seasons

Country of Origin: Italy

Language: Italian

Runtime: 15 min

Film Description: 

Our planet has been sick for a long time.
People have to use face masks because the air has become unbreathble.
Due to the harmful sun, two sisters are forced to study and play in their own home.
Suddenly the ventilation system stops working, so the two girls have to use artificial respirators but after a while they faint.
However Vanessa, a very curious little girl, finds the strength to react and decides to go out.
Thus a fantastic surreal adventure begins.
Vanessa finds a strange object: it is a forgotten book that will lead her to look for the colors and scents which our sick planet still keeps for those who want to dream.

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